binaryscape: Flatiron
binaryscape: View from our pimp apartment in Midtown East
binaryscape: View from our pimp apartment in Midtown East
binaryscape: Airship spotted! MetLife maybe?
binaryscape: One of the benefits for flying red-eye...
binaryscape: Taking NJ Transit to the city
binaryscape: Bagel cart
binaryscape: Cliché at this point but still gotta do it!
binaryscape: Flatiron
binaryscape: IMG_3250
binaryscape: IMG_3251
binaryscape: Perfect day @ Battery Park
binaryscape: View from our pimp apartment in Midtown East
binaryscape: I'm A PC
binaryscape: Winning? Yahoo! NYPD!
binaryscape: Mr. Wakamaru (a Mitsubishi bot) in Uniqlo
binaryscape: SOHO, probably Broadway.
binaryscape: No introduction needed...
binaryscape: IMG_3317
binaryscape: Outside of Majestic
binaryscape: If you like chocolate, you know where this is...
binaryscape: IMG_3396
binaryscape: IMG_3397
binaryscape: The lake in Central Park
binaryscape: Nice landscaping in Central Park
binaryscape: St. Marks in East Village