bilwander: Σημε-ιολογικόν Επίκαιρον (Ι) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Καιρών Παγκοσμ-ιο-π-οίησης
bilwander: AirPOCALYPSE of An overGROWING underWORLD .. ....................... The Future is Already Here (Sept 2009)
bilwander: Growing Up in the Poverty Trap. Togo, Kara region, two kids at a hamlet
bilwander: Απο τον Homo Universalis στον Homo Superius
bilwander: Holocaust in Crematorium Modernum... Greece (2007+2018+2021....)
bilwander: FORGET BERLIN. TSIPRAS DEVASTATES ATHENS, THEN DEFAULTS GREECE (O1JUL2015) ............... FIRST THEY TAKE ATHENS. THEN THEY TAKE BERLIN ? (25JAN2015) ------------------------------------- FOCUS <=> SUC OF (original post 23FEB2010)
bilwander: Greece, Athens, towards a tomorrow more black than today (Dec 6, 2008) ..
bilwander: Turkey .... neo ottoman illusions / militaristic fashions
bilwander: #Greece_under_attack by illegal migrants trafficked by Turkish Regime Gangs collaborating with obscurely sponsored NGOs on the Greek side
bilwander: Brexit Friday (24JUN2016) is Here again & finally (31JAN2020) .... any More (Black) Fridays Out There ?
bilwander: Togo. Koutammakou, Batammariba tribe, little barefoot girl with a bottle of water in a mud road
bilwander: Fidel 'meets up' with Che 49 years past his death ...
bilwander: History Will Always Repeat Itself As People Defy The Past ...... Condolences & Sympathy for the lost & the injured in Brussels Terrorist Attacks, 22 March 2016 (memory of the illusive symbolism of Atomium* from a 1997 film scan)
bilwander: THE RAGS ARE STILL WAVING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ τα κουρελια κυματιζουν ακομα
bilwander: France, Nice, Promenade des Anglais, a ...nice memory from once upon a time
bilwander: .... in no(r)way, shape or form ....
bilwander: Androidification, Homo Superius & other ... bilwanderish neologisms; latest ref. on "Iconomy" in the book by Terry Smith/2022 (view in 1st comment)
bilwander: Varoufonics (I) - Odd Universe Financial Objectives ----- A Historic Econopolitical Debacle, starred by ex FinMin Yanis Varoufakis and PM Alexis Tsipras
bilwander: ΔΟΞΑΣΤΕ ΤΟΝ "ελληνες" ... Για Ακόμη Περισσότερη Αξιοπρέπεια και Περηφάνια
bilwander: Το Γλυκο Ονειρο και η Πικρη Αληθεια
bilwander: Η ... Βαριά Κληρονομιά του Ανδρέα Παπανδρέου*
bilwander: Greece Migration Crisis, Piraeus Port Gate E2 Hall as temporary shelter, Syria war refugee girl
bilwander: India. Calcutta, The Dark .. flyover.. Fantasy of Easy Home & Car Loan
bilwander: H Μυθοποίηση του "Πολυτεχνείου" ως Σχιζοφρένεια της Μεταπολίτευσης
bilwander: Αγανακτωντας Διχως Αυριο
bilwander: Εδώ Πολυτεχνείο ... Άσυλο Αναρχικών, Βανδάλων, Διεθνο-Εθνομηδενιστών κλπ ΦασιστοΑριστερών Τραμπούκων
bilwander: Περί Καριέρας και Χολέρας στου Μαξίμου ....
bilwander: Greece. Saronic Gulf, Salamina island, oil spill pollution ....
bilwander: Philippines.
bilwander: Greece Migration Crisis .................................................... black todays - blank tomorrows