bilwander: Syria, Damascus, Shoukry Al-Qouwatly av. with Barada river(R) & Dedeman hotel (L)
bilwander: Syria. Damascus, Umayyad square, muslim teen-girl in black hijab with the Damascene Sword monument & the Syrian TV building in backdrop
bilwander: Syria, Damascus walled citadel, Al-Hamidiyah Souq entrance with Bashar al-Assad's portrait
bilwander: Syria, Damascus citadel, Saladin's equestrian statue
bilwander: Syria, Damascus city scape with Damascus Tower
bilwander: Syria Damascus, Tekkiye Mosque minarets
bilwander: Syria. Damascus, the man and the spirit behind
bilwander: Syria. Damascus, Omayyad mosque
bilwander: Syria, Damascus, urban scape with billboards, domes and mini buses (servees)
bilwander: Syria. Damascus, middle aged couple
bilwander: Syria, Damascus downtown, horse-rider flying a syrian flag
bilwander: Syria. Aleppo Citadel, main bridge and gatehouses (2009)
bilwander: Syria Aleppo, women in full-face black hijabs & niqabs
bilwander: Syria.Aleppo citadel, muslim teen girl at the portal of Ayyubid palace
bilwander: Syria. Aleppo citadel, teen girl in hijab, jeans & pink coat, and middle-aged man in keffiyeh & djellaba
bilwander: Syria. Aleppo citadel theatre, muslim couple with five kids, and teen girl in hijab, shades, tight body outfit, jeans and high-heel sandals
bilwander: Syria. Aleppo city view from the citadel (2009)
bilwander: Syria. Aleppo citadel square, muslim teen girl in shades; hijab, purse & ballerinas set in lilac
bilwander: Syria. Aleppo citadel square, traditional tea-drink street-vendor
bilwander: Syria. Aleppo citadel square, syrian christian women posing to camera with the castle in the backdrop
bilwander: Syria. Aleppo citadel square, joyful muslim teen girl in hijab & tight outfit posing in 2009 (before the Arab Spring uprising & the followed civil war till nowadays)
bilwander: Syria Aleppo, aged men at Omayad mosque's yard
bilwander: Syria Aleppo, surprised teen girl in hijab, Apr2009, innocence in red before the bloodshed to come
bilwander: Syria. Homs, Crusaders' castle (Krak des Chevaliers)
bilwander: Syria. Homs, Hisyah, St Symeon Stylite's cathedral ruins
bilwander: Syria Aleppo, Afrin, Kilisesi, st Symeon Stylite's cathedral ruins
bilwander: Syria, Kurdish family travelling on an improvised three-wheeled truck in the outskirts of Aleppo
bilwander: Syria. Palmyra, kids' soccer time (2009)
bilwander: Syria . Palmyra, muslim teen girl with eluding eyes in sky blue jean garment & hijab
bilwander: Syria . Palmyra, wall portrait of late ex president Hafez al-Assad (2009)