bilwander: AirPOCALYPSE of An overGROWING underWORLD .. ....................... The Future is Already Here (Sept 2009)
bilwander: FORGET BERLIN. TSIPRAS DEVASTATES ATHENS, THEN DEFAULTS GREECE (O1JUL2015) ............... FIRST THEY TAKE ATHENS. THEN THEY TAKE BERLIN ? (25JAN2015) ------------------------------------- FOCUS <=> SUC OF (original post 23FEB2010)
bilwander: Togo. Koutammakou, Batammariba tribe, little barefoot girl with a bottle of water in a mud road
bilwander: Σημε-ιολογικόν Επίκαιρον (Ι) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Καιρών Παγκοσμ-ιο-π-οίησης
bilwander: Growing Up in the Poverty Trap. Togo, Kara region, two kids at a hamlet
bilwander: life is a bitch... unless you are a beach girl
bilwander: Destined With No Destination
bilwander: #Greece_under_attack by illegal migrants trafficked by Turkish Regime Gangs collaborating with obscurely sponsored NGOs on the Greek side
bilwander: USA, New York city, Manhattan midtown 8th & 7th avenues, in the times of square living & curve lives
bilwander: USA, New York, Metropolitan museum of art, white & black aphrodites
bilwander: Ukraine, Odessa, caryatids
bilwander: Ukraine Odessa, Straights & Curves
bilwander: Greece. Athens, kiddish pride in the doom
bilwander: Greece, Athens, Zappeio, Amalias av, guns + crosses on the Bicentennial (1821-2021) of the Greek Revolution celebration parade
bilwander: Greece. Athens, underground victorian illusion
bilwander: Greece. South East Aegean Sea, Dodecanese, Rhodes islands, phase difference
bilwander: Greece. South East Aegean Sea, Dodecanese, Rhodes island ... clashing civilizations
bilwander: Greece, Athens, anarchist 'study' on tutoring (on a wall at the ...University ...School of ...Fine ...Arts)
bilwander: China, Beijing, Fengtai District, west railway station at night
bilwander: Greece, Athens, "The Persians" Aeschylus' ancient tragedy, obscure prophecies
bilwander: Greece, Piraeus, WEL(L)COME to shitWell
bilwander: China. Lijiang, memories of cultural (r)evolution
bilwander: Greece. South East Aegean Sea, Dodecanese, Rhodes island, neoancient pride
bilwander: China. Shanghai, Lujiazu, HIgH-rIse spIrITs ...
bilwander: Dubai's Dubious World
bilwander: Dubai's dubious world, hitting the dust + dusting the heat + eventually... flooding the desert
bilwander: Dubai. Woman under_cover at the underwater zoo
bilwander: Ukraine, Kiev, nuances of passed away glory
bilwander: Ukraine. Odessa hatbor, dusk hunters
bilwander: Greece, Piraeus, in the times of recession