Billy Reed: Garden gate
Billy Reed: A quiet corner
Billy Reed: Ready-made distortion...
Billy Reed: Another window
Billy Reed: Mausoleum
Billy Reed: When I’m cleanin’ windows...
Billy Reed: Timber...
Billy Reed: Window cleaning day...
Billy Reed: O all ye...
Billy Reed: De-o! De-e-e-o!
Billy Reed: Sandstone, glass and light
Billy Reed: 1st floor hedge!
Billy Reed: 16th Century windows
Billy Reed: Chapter House
Billy Reed: May 27
Billy Reed: Alonso
Billy Reed: White‘n’grey
Billy Reed: Chapter House
Billy Reed: Medieval chicken in a basket?!...
Billy Reed: Blacks‘n’whites
Billy Reed: New light...
Billy Reed: Beautiful pathway
Billy Reed: Into another world...
Billy Reed: Cotswold roof
Billy Reed: Outside, looking in...
Billy Reed: Emotion
Billy Reed: More emotion
Billy Reed: Echoes of ‘home’
Billy Reed: Chasing shadows
Billy Reed: The shadow and the light