Billy Reed: The horse whisperer
Billy Reed: Caged beast...
Billy Reed: Shopping dog
Billy Reed: All we like sheep... (1 of 2)
Billy Reed: ... have gone astra-a-a-a-a-a-ay! (2 of 2)
Billy Reed: Well, hello!...
Billy Reed: On the prowl...
Billy Reed: Sssssssssssssssssscarily close!
Billy Reed: The swan
Billy Reed: Straight from the...
Billy Reed: Here’s lookin’ at you, kid!
Billy Reed: From a canter to a halt
Billy Reed: The Captain and me
Billy Reed: Cap-chin!
Billy Reed: What the...?!
Billy Reed: Peacock
Billy Reed: It’s... The Peacock Show!
Billy Reed: Chinwag
Billy Reed: Web designer
Billy Reed: Come in no.9 – your time is...
Billy Reed: Ear ‘ere...
Billy Reed: Just Mum and us!
Billy Reed: “Giv’us a KISSSSSS!!!!”
Billy Reed: They grow up so quickly!
Billy Reed: DeerSEEme?
Billy Reed: Yellllllllllllllllowwwwwww
Billy Reed: “And…?”