Billy Photography +: 二龍喉公園
Billy Photography +: 二龍喉公園
Billy Photography +: 二龍喉公園
Billy Photography +: Night of Macau
Billy Photography +: 20150627123746-01
Billy Photography +: 20150627112810-01
Billy Photography +: 20150627113823-01
Billy Photography +: 海事及水務局大樓
Billy Photography +: Building with curve
Billy Photography +: Building with curve
Billy Photography +: 東方拱門
Billy Photography +: 名勝背後
Billy Photography +: 悠閒生活
Billy Photography +: 城中小屋
Billy Photography +: 澳門茶文化館
Billy Photography +: 塔石廣場
Billy Photography +: Macao Polytechnic Institute
Billy Photography +: 澳門大砲台一角
Billy Photography +: 觀音蓮花苑
Billy Photography +: 觀音蓮花苑
Billy Photography +: 加思欄花園一角
Billy Photography +: Canoeing at the evening.
Billy Photography +: 茶藝文化館
Billy Photography +: UNU-IIST, Macao