Billy Ko: Pullip - Reira (Tiphona)
Billy Ko: Open Box!
Billy Ko: Open Box!
Billy Ko: The shoe
Billy Ko: First Shot!!
Billy Ko: Her Guide? Friend?
Billy Ko: We were in Train!
Billy Ko: My bag.
Billy Ko: Hi. Are you watching at me?
Billy Ko: Her Wig is so shinny!!
Billy Ko: She is ready.
Billy Ko: Goodbye! My friend.
Billy Ko: Alone
Billy Ko: Thinking....
Billy Ko: Thinking....
Billy Ko: Shining!
Billy Ko: Red.
Billy Ko: Wait.
Billy Ko: Wait.
Billy Ko: Wait.
Billy Ko: The soft tone.
Billy Ko: Lets go!!
Billy Ko: Let take a picture!
Billy Ko: Let take a picture... again?
Billy Ko: Let take a picture... again?