Billy Gabriel:
Aruk immigration
Billy Gabriel:
Aruk Immigration
Billy Gabriel:
Aruk Immigration
Billy Gabriel:
Foggy morning in Sambas
Billy Gabriel:
Traditional fish cages
Billy Gabriel:
Old bridge, Sekadau
Billy Gabriel:
Sekadau General Hospital
Billy Gabriel:
Sekadau General Hospital
Billy Gabriel:
Sekadau Government Office Park
Billy Gabriel:
Sekadau District Office
Billy Gabriel:
Catholic Church Sekadau
Billy Gabriel:
Sekadau District Office
Billy Gabriel:
Sekadau House of Representatives
Billy Gabriel:
Protestant Church, Sekadau
Billy Gabriel:
Sekadau District Office
Billy Gabriel:
Entrance to Government office park
Billy Gabriel:
Raw rubber being sold and taken to factory
Billy Gabriel:
Billy Gabriel:
Blossoming flower
Billy Gabriel:
15 kgs!
Billy Gabriel:
Wet rubber
Billy Gabriel:
Dragon fruit tree
Billy Gabriel:
Rubber tree seedling
Billy Gabriel:
Rice field in Sayang Sedayu village
Billy Gabriel:
Ferry boat ride to Sekura
Billy Gabriel:
Ferry boat ride to Sekura
Billy Gabriel:
Bird's nest houses
Billy Gabriel:
Stairs at the ferry
Billy Gabriel:
Ferry boat crossing Sekura river
Billy Gabriel:
Hotel Aston Pontianak (under construction)