Billy Gabriel: Lobster
Billy Gabriel: Mission Aviation Fellowship at Wamena airport
Billy Gabriel: Nusantara Air Charter Cargo
Billy Gabriel: Nusantara Cargo @ WMX
Billy Gabriel: Wamena Airport
Billy Gabriel: IMG_1940
Billy Gabriel: Wamena House of Representatives
Billy Gabriel: IMG_1937
Billy Gabriel: Head of Regency office
Billy Gabriel: Head of Regency office
Billy Gabriel: Head of Regency office
Billy Gabriel: A mosque in Wamena
Billy Gabriel: Wamena, Papua
Billy Gabriel: IMG_1929
Billy Gabriel: Bob Pierce memorial chapel, Wamena, Papua
Billy Gabriel: IMG_1926
Billy Gabriel: IMG_1925
Billy Gabriel: IMG_1924
Billy Gabriel: Military post on Napua hill
Billy Gabriel: IMG_1919
Billy Gabriel: Wamena town
Billy Gabriel: Wamena seen from Napua hill
Billy Gabriel: IMG_1916
Billy Gabriel: Baliem valley
Billy Gabriel: Honai-like military post
Billy Gabriel: IMG_1913
Billy Gabriel: IMG_1912
Billy Gabriel: IMG_1911