The Wellparker 2018: My Son Jack
The Wellparker 2018: Dr Graham Patrick
The Wellparker 2018: DSCF0236.jpg
The Wellparker 2018: Waiting for dinner (Love her to bits but just cant see the fascination in posting snaps of your dinner on FB etc as my baby habitually does)
The Wellparker 2018: IMGP7016.jpg
The Wellparker 2018: Andrew and Ryan
The Wellparker 2018: IMGP0102.jpg
The Wellparker 2018: Callander Girls
The Wellparker 2018: Loch Sloy and ma Boy
The Wellparker 2018: My mother cradles baby Gwen.
The Wellparker 2018: Angie enjoying the evening sunshine