billy3001: Majesty in Motion
billy3001: Sunset through the Forest
billy3001: Perito Moreno Glacier
billy3001: Austral Pygmy-Owl
billy3001: Caracol Belize
billy3001: Waterfall
billy3001: Congaree National Park
billy3001: Magellanic Woodpecker
billy3001: Torres del Paine
billy3001: Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge
billy3001: Cedar Waxwing
billy3001: Ushuaia
billy3001: Bosco
billy3001: American Painted Lady
billy3001: Perito Moreno Glacier
billy3001: Central Park, NYC
billy3001: Bosco
billy3001: Blue Grey Sky
billy3001: Magellanic Woodpecker
billy3001: Day's End at the Harlem Meer
billy3001: Carcassonne
billy3001: Iceland Dettifoss
billy3001: Grand Teton National Park
billy3001: France
billy3001: Snowy Egrets in Flight
billy3001: Northern Flicker
billy3001: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
billy3001: Swamp Sparrow