Bill Varney:
Neck Beard
Bill Varney:
Great Egret Chicks
Bill Varney:
Professor Spooney Giving A Lecture
Bill Varney:
Great Egret Displaying
Bill Varney:
Wood Stork Chick
Bill Varney:
Great Egret With Chicks
Bill Varney:
Wild Man
Bill Varney:
Great Egret Chicks
Bill Varney:
Roseate Spoonbill Chicks
Bill Varney:
Wood Stork Carrying Nesting Material
Bill Varney:
Ankle Biter
Bill Varney:
Avian Home Invasion
Bill Varney:
Hey Look I'm The Karate Kid
Bill Varney:
Roseate Spoonbill ChicksWith Mom
Bill Varney:
Terror Has A New Look
Bill Varney:
We Have Our Golden Slippers On Lets Dance
Bill Varney:
Roseate Spoonbill Flying
Bill Varney:
Great Egret With Chicks
Bill Varney:
Roseate Spoonbills Protecting Nest
Bill Varney:
Great Egret Carrying Nesting Materials
Bill Varney:
Woodstork Building Nest
Bill Varney:
Great Egret Displaying Breeding Plumage
Bill Varney:
So That is Where The Left Over Easter Eggs Went
Bill Varney:
Female Anhinga Feeding Chicks, Wakodahatchee Wetlands
Bill Varney:
Snowy Egret Flying
Bill Varney:
Great Egrets Nest Building
Bill Varney:
Sticking The Landing, Wakodahatchee Wetlands
Bill Varney:
Yellow-Crowned Night Heron, Corkscrew Swamp
Bill Varney:
Roseate Spoonbills Mating Games
Bill Varney:
Take out? Green Cay Wetlands