Bill the Girl: Deli Divas
Bill the Girl: Mike Hosty
Bill the Girl: Hosty at the Deli
Bill the Girl: E-Lectric-a-Banana
Bill the Girl: Paseo Popcycle
Bill the Girl: Live Paint
Bill the Girl: Future Artist
Bill the Girl: Paseo Crowd
Bill the Girl: Heart Filled
Bill the Girl: Paseo Tunes
Bill the Girl: Washboard and Dreads
Bill the Girl: Shirtless
Bill the Girl: Wild Child
Bill the Girl: Contemporary
Bill the Girl: Lemonade
Bill the Girl: Wild West Soda
Bill the Girl: Chick-o-stick
Bill the Girl: Mini Omlette
Bill the Girl: Sand Plum
Bill the Girl: Serenade
Bill the Girl: Wedding Ware
Bill the Girl: Chair Sashes
Bill the Girl: Fancy Faucet
Bill the Girl: Chair Sashes
Bill the Girl: Chair Sash
Bill the Girl: Route 66
Bill the Girl: KU in OK
Bill the Girl: SNOMNH B-day
Bill the Girl: SNOMNH Director