IG: billtakesphotos: Days like these
IG: billtakesphotos: Fix up, look sharp
IG: billtakesphotos: Conversation
IG: billtakesphotos: Watching the world go by
IG: billtakesphotos: Watching or waiting
IG: billtakesphotos: Cooler than you
IG: billtakesphotos: Fix up look sharp
IG: billtakesphotos: Phone Booth
IG: billtakesphotos: Smoke break
IG: billtakesphotos: Magnetic Zeros
IG: billtakesphotos: In a crowd.
IG: billtakesphotos: Ninth and Walnut.
IG: billtakesphotos: Daydreaming
IG: billtakesphotos: I wish I was outside.
IG: billtakesphotos: Sunglasses weather.
IG: billtakesphotos: Sunglasses weather.
IG: billtakesphotos: Sunglasses weather.
IG: billtakesphotos: Sunglasses weather.
IG: billtakesphotos: Different directions on 17th and Peal.
IG: billtakesphotos: Sunny day in Boulder
IG: billtakesphotos: Pearl Street Violinist