Bill Snyder: DSCN1286.JPG
Bill Snyder: DSCN1288.JPG
Bill Snyder: DSCN1289.JPG
Bill Snyder: DSCN1290.JPG
Bill Snyder: DSCN1291.JPG
Bill Snyder: DSCN1292.JPG
Bill Snyder: DSCN1293.JPG
Bill Snyder: Rich & Pee Wee (Mother and Son)
Bill Snyder: Pee Wee, Mandi, and Sara
Bill Snyder: Ty's Tie.
Bill Snyder: DSCN1297.JPG
Bill Snyder: DSCN1298.JPG
Bill Snyder: Aunt Margie, Me with a dorky smile, Uncle Al
Bill Snyder: Bernie & Ellen
Bill Snyder: DSCN1301.JPG
Bill Snyder: Lauren & Sam
Bill Snyder: Becca trying to avoid photo.
Bill Snyder: Becca trying to avoid photo.
Bill Snyder: Lori, Sue, and Rich
Bill Snyder: One Big-Ass Table
Bill Snyder: DSCN1308.JPG
Bill Snyder: Lisa and Rich (yeah, we had a plethora or Riches)
Bill Snyder: Lori & Sue
Bill Snyder: Rich & Steve
Bill Snyder: Sara & Rich (soon to be married)
Bill Snyder: Margie and Annie (sister act)
Bill Snyder: My brother married a woman with a mustache.
Bill Snyder: Rebecca
Bill Snyder: Al and Leslie (father and daughter)