B.M. Photography: I'm not Daffy Duck!
B.M. Photography: Double trouble
B.M. Photography: Brown Pelican
B.M. Photography: Big White
B.M. Photography: Reddish Egret
B.M. Photography: tricolored Heron
B.M. Photography: tricolored Heron
B.M. Photography: Swallow-tailed Kite
B.M. Photography: Headed for the nest again.
B.M. Photography: Going to her nest
B.M. Photography: Eyes in the Sky!
B.M. Photography: Female Grackle
B.M. Photography: White Egret
B.M. Photography: An Osprey a Day keeps me happy all day.
B.M. Photography: Got the fish second time around
B.M. Photography: American Oystercatcher
B.M. Photography: Red-shouldered Hawk
B.M. Photography: Brown Pelican
B.M. Photography: Checking out the view
B.M. Photography: Dependable Osprey
B.M. Photography: One foot tote๐Ÿ˜€
B.M. Photography: RedShouldered hawk
B.M. Photography: Nice and Low
B.M. Photography: Eagle Leaving Tower
B.M. Photography: Eastern Bluebird
B.M. Photography: American Kestrel