B.M. Photography:
My favorite Osprey for the Day.
B.M. Photography:
Dang, I missed again!
B.M. Photography:
Calico Little Blue Heron (second hatch-year)
B.M. Photography:
Over the Top
B.M. Photography:
Flying high
B.M. Photography:
Pink is in.
B.M. Photography:
Bank Swallow
B.M. Photography:
Head straight for me!
B.M. Photography:
Double take
B.M. Photography:
Follow the leader
B.M. Photography:
Bass Pro!
B.M. Photography:
Lumpkin on the wing.
B.M. Photography:
To Close for comfort
B.M. Photography:
Red-shouldered Hawk
B.M. Photography:
I Got it!
B.M. Photography:
Happy Feet
B.M. Photography:
Playing or Dispute?
B.M. Photography:
Noisy Crow
B.M. Photography:
Curious Gull
B.M. Photography:
Fast food
B.M. Photography:
Got to go now
B.M. Photography:
Headed for fishing hole
B.M. Photography:
The Eagle has not landed.
B.M. Photography:
Gull flying over my house.
B.M. Photography:
B.M. Photography:
Immature White Ibis
B.M. Photography:
Red wing in the thick.
B.M. Photography:
B.M. Photography:
Red Wing
B.M. Photography:
Little Green Heron