by Bill Hedges:
Gannets after the same fish
by Bill Hedges:
Puffin returning empty handed
by Bill Hedges:
Arctic Tern
by Bill Hedges:
Common Tern
by Bill Hedges:
Puffin wingflap
by Bill Hedges:
Puffin closeup
by Bill Hedges:
by Bill Hedges:
Kittiwake and its chick
by Bill Hedges:
Guillemot chick taking a swim
by Bill Hedges:
Cormorant closeup at rest
by Bill Hedges:
Puffin peaking
by Bill Hedges:
Guillemot with lunch
by Bill Hedges:
Guillemot touching down
by Bill Hedges:
Guillemots having fun
by Bill Hedges:
by Bill Hedges:
Cormorants on nest
by Bill Hedges:
Cormorant with brood
by Bill Hedges:
Puffin bring lunch home for chick
by Bill Hedges:
Trio of puffins with fish for their chicks
by Bill Hedges:
Herring gull on a cliff
by Bill Hedges:
Puffin wing flap
by Bill Hedges:
Herring gull with puffin chick
by Bill Hedges:
Puffin flight
by Bill Hedges:
Puffin landing with fish
by Bill Hedges:
Arctic tern with fish
by Bill Hedges:
by Bill Hedges:
Arctic tern close-up
by Bill Hedges:
Puffin dropping in for a chat with his mates
by Bill Hedges:
Puffin landing
by Bill Hedges:
Cormorant with chick