Bill Jonners: PLM 'Bourbonnais' 0-6-0 at the entrance to the museum
Bill Jonners: PLM 'Bourbonnais' 0-6-0 at the entrance to the museum
Bill Jonners: Paris-Orleans Rwy 'Forquenot' 2-4-2 No.340
Bill Jonners: Michelin ZZAB diesel railcar No.54005
Bill Jonners: Nord Rwy 4-wheel coach
Bill Jonners: Michelin ZZAB diesel railcar No.54005
Bill Jonners: Rotary Snowplough built in 1908
Bill Jonners: SNCF Hudson 4-6-2 No.232.U1
Bill Jonners: Compagnie de Paris à Rouen 2-2-2 No.33 "Saint Pierre"
Bill Jonners: Nord 4-cylinder Compound 4-6-2 No.3.1192
Bill Jonners: Nord 4-6-4 locomotive No.3.1102 sectioned for display
Bill Jonners: SNCF Hudson 4-6-2 No.232.U1
Bill Jonners: 2-2-2 No.6 "L'aigle"
Bill Jonners: Paris & Strasbourg Rly 'Crampton' 4-2-0 No.80 "Le Continent"
Bill Jonners: Nord Rwy 4-wheel !st Class coach No.151
Bill Jonners: Nord Rwy Fourgon No.7061
Bill Jonners: Jules Magail & Cie Wine Wagon No.74
Bill Jonners: Nord De Glehn 4-cylinder Compound 4-4-2 locomotive No.701
Bill Jonners: Paris-Orleans Bo-Bo electric locomotive No.E1 "Boite à Sel"
Bill Jonners: Etat Rwy electric railcar No.TE1080
Bill Jonners: Est double-decker coach
Bill Jonners: Nord 4-cylinder Compound 4-6-2 No.3.1192
Bill Jonners: Midi Rwy B-B electric locomotive No.E.4002
Bill Jonners: Etat Autorail Rapide ZZY No.24408
Bill Jonners: SNCF 231H class 4-6-2 No.231.H8
Bill Jonners: SNCF 141R class 2-8-2 locomotive No.141R.1187
Bill Jonners: SNCF CC6500 class electric locomotive No.CC6572
Bill Jonners: SNCF BB63000 class diesel locomotive No.63013 in original livery
Bill Jonners: SNCF locomotive awaiting restoration