Bill Jonners: Footbridge across the River Dart, leading to Totnes Riverside station
Bill Jonners: Entrance to Totnes Riverside station
Bill Jonners: Totnes Riverside station
Bill Jonners: Totnes Riverside station
Bill Jonners: Totnes Riverside station
Bill Jonners: Great Western train led by Class 43 No.43002 "'Sir Kenneth Grange" passes Totnes Riverside station
Bill Jonners: BR Ventilated Van B766153 at Totnes Riverside station
Bill Jonners: LMS Ventilated Van M513212 at Totnes Riverside station
Bill Jonners: GWR 'Monster' Scenery Van No.594 at Totnes Riverside station
Bill Jonners: GWR 'Monster' Scenery Van No.594 at Totnes Riverside station
Bill Jonners: Notice at the exit from the Gentlemen's toilet at Totnes Riverside station
Bill Jonners: BR Ferry Van B889015 at Totnes Riverside station
Bill Jonners: Scene at Totnes Riverside station
Bill Jonners: GWR 'Toad' Goods Brake Van W35420 at Totnes Riverside station
Bill Jonners: BR Pipe Wagon B741574 at Totnes Riverside station
Bill Jonners: BR Clay Wagon B743010 at Totnes Riverside station
Bill Jonners: Ashburton Junction signal box
Bill Jonners: Inside GWR 'Monster' Scenery Van No.594
Bill Jonners: Inside GWR 'Monster' Scenery Van No.594
Bill Jonners: GWR '4575' class 2-6-2T No.5526 pulls into Totnes Riverside station
Bill Jonners: GWR '4575' class 2-6-2T No.5526 arrives at Totnes Riverside
Bill Jonners: GWR '4575' class 2-6-2T No.5526 arrives at Totnes Riverside
Bill Jonners: Passengers shelter from the rain as they watch the train arrive at Totnes Riverside
Bill Jonners: GWR Tourist Open coach No.1295 at Totnes Riverside
Bill Jonners: GWR Corridor Brake Composite coach No.7377 at Totnes Riverside
Bill Jonners: GWR '4575' class 2-6-2T No.5526 runs round the train at Totnes Riverside
Bill Jonners: GWR '4575' class 2-6-2T No.5526 approaches the train at Totnes Riverside
Bill Jonners: GWR '4575' class 2-6-2T No.5526 couples up at Totnes Riverside
Bill Jonners: Inside GWR Tourist Open coach No.1295
Bill Jonners: Rain is beating down as the train stops at Staverton