Billogs: Manchester 3496 -1958 Leyland PD2/40 TNA496 ^
Billogs: Salford 179 & 281 - Leyland PD2/40s JRJ281E & WRJ179 ^<
Billogs: Wigan 57 - 1961 Leyland Massey PD3 HEK705 #
Billogs: Manchester 3460 - 1956 Leyland PD2/12 PND460 +
Billogs: Salford 254 - 1966 Leyland PD2/40 FRJ254D # <
Billogs: North Western 224 - 1947 Leyland PD2/1 CDB224 # <
Billogs: Bradford 410 - 1947 AEC RT HLW159 &<
Billogs: Wigan 115 - 1958 Leyland PD2/30 NC DJP754 ~ <
Billogs: Warrington 148 - 1966 Leyland PD2/40S BED729C ^<
Billogs: Manchester 25 - 1953 Leyland Tiger PSU1/13 NNB125 +
Billogs: Stockport 91 - 1969 Leyland PD3/14 MJA891G *
Billogs: AEC in a PD2 sandwich !! # <
Billogs: Wigan 57 - 1961 Leyland PD2 HEK705 in service +
Billogs: Manchester 3228 - 1951 Leyland PD2/3 JND629 &<
Billogs: Bolton 77 - 1956 Leyland PD2/13 JBN153 &<
Billogs: Manchester 3496 - 1958 Leyland PD2/40 TNA496 ^<
Billogs: Manchester 3245 -1951 Leyland PD2/3 JND646 £<
Billogs: 1963 Salford 179 and 1965 Bolton 77 ^
Billogs: Ribble 1248 - 1951 Leyland Titan PD2 DCK219 &<
Billogs: A routemaster sandwich £<
Billogs: 1969 Stockport 91 Leyland PD3/14 MJA891G #
Billogs: Leyland and Routemaster line up *
Billogs: London Routemaster RM1414 - 1963 Leyland Park Royal 414CLT &<
Billogs: North Western 224 - 1947 Leyland PD2/1 CDB224 in service ^ <
Billogs: London RM1414 - 1963 AEC Routemaster 414CLT %<
Billogs: Ribble 1248 - 1951 Leyland Titan PD2 DCK219 &<