Bill McMullen: American Redstart Sitting Pretty
Bill McMullen: Chestnut-sided Warbler
Bill McMullen: Special of the Day
Bill McMullen: Common Yellowthroat
Bill McMullen: American Redstart (Female)
Bill McMullen: "I thought I saw a putty cat"
Bill McMullen: Chestnut-sided Warbler
Bill McMullen: American Redstart
Bill McMullen: Common Yellowthroat
Bill McMullen: Golden Crowned Kinglet
Bill McMullen: Singing Under My Umbrella
Bill McMullen: Chestnut-sided Warbler
Bill McMullen: Warbling Vireo
Bill McMullen: Golden Crowned Kinglet
Bill McMullen: Common Yellowthroat on Dogwood
Bill McMullen: Pine Warbler
Bill McMullen: Chestnut-sided Warbler
Bill McMullen: Orange-crowned Warbler
Bill McMullen: Golden-crowned Kinglet
Bill McMullen: Black-throated Green Warbler
Bill McMullen: Pine Warbler on Green
Bill McMullen: American Redstart
Bill McMullen: Ovenbird
Bill McMullen: Ruby Crowned Kinglet
Bill McMullen: Warbling Vireo
Bill McMullen: Pine Warbler
Bill McMullen: Common Yellowthroat
Bill McMullen: Black-and-white Warbler
Bill McMullen: American Redstart Nestbuilding