wildmanBill: Cookie Cutter Apartments
wildmanBill: Candy-Cane Tower
wildmanBill: View from the Front Porch
wildmanBill: Off the back porch
wildmanBill: Jesus is all around us
wildmanBill: Front door and to the left
wildmanBill: The front door looking in
wildmanBill: Spare bedroom
wildmanBill: Kitchen
wildmanBill: Koreans in the Snow
wildmanBill: Snowy Conifer
wildmanBill: Korean snow looks like Michigan snow
wildmanBill: Snowfalls on Junggye
wildmanBill: Mountains, gotta love Mountains
wildmanBill: Still drinking...
wildmanBill: Almost like a peaceful ghost town
wildmanBill: Calm of Junggye
wildmanBill: More of Junggye in the Early Morning
wildmanBill: 6am in Junggye
wildmanBill: I work at Poly!
wildmanBill: Off the Balcony
wildmanBill: Off the Balcony
wildmanBill: Off the Balcony
wildmanBill: Doosan Bears wall decoration
wildmanBill: Dr. Yoo and Joe
wildmanBill: Written on the ceiling
wildmanBill: On the wall of our headquarters
wildmanBill: Dr. Yoo and Chicken Shack Emonim
wildmanBill: On the wall of our headquarters
wildmanBill: Buried in side dishes