bill.d: Bats hanging from the ceiling
bill.d: Veterans of the Party Party
bill.d: Visiting the Carl Spackler Home for Cast-Away Golf Balls.
bill.d: Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
bill.d: Two heads are better than one
bill.d: Left Overs from "The Good Old Days"
bill.d: Left Overs from "The Good Old Days"
bill.d: Left Overs from "The Good Old Days"
bill.d: Left Overs from "The Good Old Days"
bill.d: Left Overs from "The Good Old Days"
bill.d: Blue Creamer
bill.d: We are programmed just to do Anything you want us to
bill.d: We are showroom dummies
bill.d: Discontinued Kitchenware
bill.d: Buttons
bill.d: Still Life at the Antique Store on a Rainy Sunday Afternoon
bill.d: Can't see the wine for the trees.
bill.d: Red Horse
bill.d: Yellow Tricycle
bill.d: There's no time like no time
bill.d: Our grandparents didn't have Midjourney, sooooo...
bill.d: Window Shopping
bill.d: Bottles at the antique store
bill.d: Impossible
bill.d: GAF Viewmaster