bill.d: Don't be a girl....
bill.d: Looks like mom brought a knife to a gun fight
bill.d: That's gotta hurt....
bill.d: The Michigan Pirate Festival 2012
bill.d: The Michigan Pirate Festival 2012
bill.d: The Michigan Pirate Festival 2012
bill.d: The Michigan Pirate Festival 2012
bill.d: Confederate Privateer
bill.d: Confederate Privateer
bill.d: The Vikings considered themselves to be the original pirates.
bill.d: Roman Marine
bill.d: Roman Marine
bill.d: Roman Marine
bill.d: Dirtying up for the show
bill.d: Dirtying up for the show
bill.d: Not Kermit the Frog (306/365)
bill.d: Santa Pirate
bill.d: Back when I were in school....
bill.d: The Flying Dutchman
bill.d: Johnny Depp (wuz not) here
bill.d: Scurvy Pirate Captains
bill.d: A multi-armed Zanzibanian short woman and her exploding wig of death!
bill.d: Pirate Booty
bill.d: Pirate Parade
bill.d: The Doctor's Table
bill.d: The Doctor (not Who)
bill.d: Pirate Still Life
bill.d: Signal Cannon
bill.d: Sword Fight
bill.d: Sword Fight