billhd: Gazing into the Sunset
billhd: are you serious?
billhd: spirited
billhd: little tree
billhd: off we go
billhd: no doubts
billhd: we are one
billhd: ready
billhd: old souls
billhd: the Dairy Queen!
billhd: partners
billhd: resolute
billhd: astride
billhd: couple
billhd: together
billhd: kiss
billhd: New American Gothic
billhd: Persons
billhd: poised
billhd: akimbo
billhd: strike a pose
billhd: not to be overlooked
billhd: gaze
billhd: bad
billhd: sweet
billhd: liftoff!
billhd: whoo!
billhd: up!
billhd: shout!
billhd: man on a hill