billesmall: A tired Lori and Ally
billesmall: Carol and Jay
billesmall: leaving the grounds
billesmall: Fireworks
billesmall: Fireworks
billesmall: Fireworks
billesmall: The stadium grounds
billesmall: Fireworks
billesmall: Fireworks
billesmall: Fireworks
billesmall: Fireworks
billesmall: Fireworks
billesmall: We Win!!!
billesmall: The suns get a hit
billesmall: Jim, Beth, Sarah
billesmall: Beth and Jim
billesmall: Lori and Ally
billesmall: Rich, Beth, Jim and Ken
billesmall: the mudcats take a strike
billesmall: Beth, Ken, the 2 Sarahs and military friends
billesmall: Lori, Ally and Jeff
billesmall: Hooters Girls!
billesmall: Southpaw, the mascot
billesmall: The Suns get a hit
billesmall: sarah being a trooper and doing a kegstand
billesmall: The 2 Sarah's, Ken, Carol and Jay
billesmall: Ally enjoying a beer
billesmall: You know it's going to be a good game when you have rainbows
billesmall: you know if going to be a good game when there are rainbows
billesmall: the 2 Westie tailgating setup