billdavis6959: HDR ESO M-42 Orion
billdavis6959: Cygnus Region
billdavis6959: X-ray and Radio galactic center
billdavis6959: Colorful Crab Nebula
billdavis6959: ESO & Hubble M16 cr
billdavis6959: RCW 106 (Edited)
billdavis6959: Herschel-WISE_RhoOphiuchi_ inner core
billdavis6959: Preliminary Map of Rho Oph using new Herschel Data
billdavis6959: galactic center X-ray Chandra/XMM Newton
billdavis6959: Rho Ophiuicus
billdavis6959: Combined Lagoon
billdavis6959: Pillars of Rainbow Heaven