Bill Darron: Lehigh Valley tracks looking eastbound in Rush, NY
Bill Darron: Looking eastbound from Rush, NY
Bill Darron: Gates down and the train rolls eastbound through Rush, NY
Bill Darron: Westbound through Rush, NY
Bill Darron: Westbound through Rush, NY
Bill Darron: Tearing up the Lehigh Valley tracks in Rush, NY
Bill Darron: Tearing up the Lehigh Valley tracks in Rush, NY
Bill Darron: Tearing up the Lehigh Valley tracks in Rush, NY
Bill Darron: Tearing up the Lehigh Valley tracks in Rush, NY
Bill Darron: Tearing up the Lehigh Valley tracks in Rush, NY
Bill Darron: Tearing up the Lehigh Valley tracks in Rush, NY
Bill Darron: Tearing up the Lehigh Valley tracks in Rush, NY
Bill Darron: Tearing up the Lehigh Valley tracks in Rush, NY
Bill Darron: Tearing up the Lehigh Valley tracks in Rush, NY
Bill Darron: Tearing up the Lehigh Valley tracks in Rush, NY
Bill Darron: Tearing up the Lehigh Valley tracks in Rush, NY
Bill Darron: Honeoye Falls Depot
Bill Darron: Honeoye Falls Depot
Bill Darron: Honeoye Falls Depot
Bill Darron: Honeoye Falls Depot
Bill Darron: Honeoye Falls Depot
Bill Darron: Honeoye Falls Depot
Bill Darron: Honeoye Falls Depot
Bill Darron: Honeoye Falls Depot
Bill Darron: Honeoye Falls Depot
Bill Darron: Honeoye Falls Depot
Bill Darron: Honeoye Falls Depot
Bill Darron: Honeoye Falls Depot
Bill Darron: Honeoye Falls Depot
Bill Darron: Honeoye Falls Depot