BillDamon: DSC04995.jpg
BillDamon: Americas
BillDamon: DSC05001.jpg
BillDamon: Meg Merrilies by Edward R ThaxterB
BillDamon: The Death of General Warren at the Battle of Bunker Hill by John Trumbull
BillDamon: The Death of General Warren at the Battle of Bunker Hill by John Trumbull 2
BillDamon: POTD 2013-11-24 - "The Passage of the Delaware" by Thomas Sully at Boston's MFA
BillDamon: Bottom left Corner - The Passage of the Delaware by Thomas Sully
BillDamon: Scale model of Pennsylvania Railroad War Memorial by Walter Hancock
BillDamon: American Contemporary Art
BillDamon: The Arrangement of Things by Ross Bleckner
BillDamon: Butterflies and Foliage by John La Farge on the right
BillDamon: Boston Common at Night by Childe Hassam
BillDamon: Exhibit room
BillDamon: DSC05074.jpg
BillDamon: Picture Gallery with Views of Modern Rome by Giovanni Paolo Pannini 1757
BillDamon: Close up of Picture Gallery with Views of Modern Rome by Giovanni Paolo Pannini 1757
BillDamon: Close up of "Picture Gallery with Views of Modern Rome" by Giovanni Paolo Pannini 1757
BillDamon: Shapiro Rotunda
BillDamon: Hanoverian Royal Court Silber - Koch Room
BillDamon: The Death of General Warren at the Battle of Bunker Hill by John Trumbull 2
BillDamon: Halt at the Spring by Fracncois Boucher 1765
BillDamon: Allegory of Man's Choice by Frans Francken the Younger 1635
BillDamon: Museum Epiphany III by Warren Posperi
BillDamon: POTD 2013-12-23 - The Chihuly Tree at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston
BillDamon: Scale model of Pennsylvania Railroad War Memorial by Walter Hancock
BillDamon: Picture Gallery with Views of Modern Rome by Giovanni Paolo Pannini 1757
BillDamon: Houses at Auver by Vincent van Gogh 1890
BillDamon: Ravine by Vincent van Gogh