BillDamon: Heading in! - Backyard Sunflower - 2015-09-07
BillDamon: POTW 2015-08-23 - Backyard bee
BillDamon: Smelling the Spiderwort in the backyard
BillDamon: The Dandelion universe
BillDamon: POTW 2015-07-19 - Bee in the backyard
BillDamon: Moth on lavendar - 2015-07-11
BillDamon: Hairy bee eyes on a Cone Flower
BillDamon: POTW 2015-07-12 - Wasp in backyard
BillDamon: POTW 2015-06-28 - Butterfly at Mt. Auburn Cemetery
BillDamon: Green flower in the neighborhood
BillDamon: Moth in the neighborhood
BillDamon: Sparrow at Rock Meadow Conservation Area - 2015-10-06
BillDamon: Blue Heron at the Watertown Dam
BillDamon: POTW 2015-06-21 - Daisy
BillDamon: Painted Turtle at Mt. Auburn Cemetery
BillDamon: POTW 2016-09-12 - BUG!
BillDamon: Blue Heron at the Moody Street Dam
BillDamon: POTW 2015-06-14 - Blue Heron flying at the Moody St Dam - Waltham, MA
BillDamon: POTW 2017-06-04 - Squirrel on the porch
BillDamon: Robin's Nest at Mt. Auburn Cemetery - 2014-05-10
BillDamon: POTD 2014-05-10 - Robin's Nest at Mt. Auburn Cemetery
BillDamon: A Black Capped Night Heron at the Moody St Dam - 2015-06-06
BillDamon: Blue Heron fishing at the Watertown Dam - 2015-06-06
BillDamon: POTW 2015-06-07 - Black Capped Night Heron - Moody Street Dam
BillDamon: - DSC05415 -16
BillDamon: POTD 2014-05-06 - Northern Parula - Beaver Brook Reservation
BillDamon: POTW 2016-02-21 - Hawk visiting the backyard
BillDamon: Hawks along the Charies River in Waltham - 2016-01-31
BillDamon: A goosling and proud parents - Watertown Dam - 2015-05-26
BillDamon: POTW 2015-05-31 - Gulls fishing at the Watertown Dam