BillDamon: The hike to the ruins
BillDamon: The hike to the ruins
BillDamon: The group hiking Pisac
BillDamon: Don Humberto and Dona Bernadina
BillDamon: The hike to the ruins
BillDamon: Approaching the ruins
BillDamon: The ruins at Pisac, Peru
BillDamon: The town of Pisac below
BillDamon: Bernadina, Humberto, and Wilma
BillDamon: The upper pisac ruins
BillDamon: The trail on the hike back
BillDamon: Paula in front of me on the hike back
BillDamon: The view from Pisac
BillDamon: The ruins at the top
BillDamon: At the top
BillDamon: Hiking up to Pisac
BillDamon: The upper pisac ruins
BillDamon: In ceremony at Pisac
BillDamon: The despacho ceremony in the ruins
BillDamon: Group ceremony
BillDamon: Don Francisco