Bill Doc: Little Girl at Projeta Vida
Bill Doc: Capt. Spanish Jack
Bill Doc: We got Laura trashed
Bill Doc: DSCF0390
Bill Doc: DSCF0389
Bill Doc: DSCF0387
Bill Doc: DSCF0231
Bill Doc: Amy in the Sunset In Brazil
Bill Doc: Patricia on the boat
Bill Doc: Erin and the Frog
Bill Doc: Carolyn and Dixie
Bill Doc: Some Wierd Guy
Bill Doc: Talderoy and some drunken Rats
Bill Doc: Talderoy, Ginja Bones and Me
Bill Doc: Baby X
Bill Doc: Ashley looks relaxed
Bill Doc: Luke
Bill Doc: Monkey crushes elephant testicles
Bill Doc: Angel in deep thought
Bill Doc: Super America man
Bill Doc: There's a smile in there somewhere
Bill Doc: The sun has fallen and the work is done
Bill Doc: Jewel
Bill Doc: Jim Morrison who?
Bill Doc: Was it Too Much
Bill Doc: There's a whole world out there
Bill Doc: Finn the little land Shark
Bill Doc: Zoe is terrified
Bill Doc: Mommy
Bill Doc: Studying for too long