billbtw: Pizza Express, York
billbtw: The audience
billbtw: The concert, first half
billbtw: Before the concert started
billbtw: On the train
billbtw: The bar in the Dungeon Ghyll Hotel
billbtw: Food quiz 4
billbtw: Food quiz 3
billbtw: Food quiz 2
billbtw: Food quiz 1
billbtw: Posing whilst waiting for the ferry across Lake Windermere
billbtw: Restaurant at Brantwood House
billbtw: The Coniston Launch
billbtw: Restaurant customers
billbtw: Inside a bird hide
billbtw: Abbot Hall lecture
billbtw: On the Josef Herman Study Day
billbtw: The Wales National Waterfront Museum
billbtw: The Josef Herman Study Day
billbtw: Demonstration over Syria
billbtw: A game of bowls
billbtw: Fred and Colin, 9.7.13
billbtw: Passengers at Lyon Part Dieu station
billbtw: Scan 102
billbtw: St Pancras
billbtw: The square in Matour
billbtw: Lunch on Rue Mercer
billbtw: The square in Matour
billbtw: Scan 17
billbtw: A view from Geneva airport