billbtw: Dartmoor Cemetery
billbtw: Two chaps
billbtw: The Thiepval Memorial
billbtw: Au Vintage Chambre d'Hote
billbtw: Cafe Hygge, Albert
billbtw: Le Cateau Cemetery
billbtw: Suzanne Cemetery
billbtw: Arras
billbtw: London Cemetery, High Wood
billbtw: The cemetery at Le Cateau
billbtw: Eyes
billbtw: Matisse by Cartier-Bresson
billbtw: Commuters leaving Arras Station
billbtw: The War Memorial outside Arras Station
billbtw: Above a bar in Arras
billbtw: Passers-by in Arras
billbtw: The Wellington Museum, Arras
billbtw: Hotel Angleterre, Arras
billbtw: The Memorial to the Scottish Highlanders
billbtw: Trench art
billbtw: Our bedroom in Albert
billbtw: Le Bugatti, Albert
billbtw: A detail of Albert's Art Deco