billbtw: Our pond and mower
billbtw: Flat shed
billbtw: Matthew's
billbtw: Caradog's
billbtw: Clive's
billbtw: Sheds
billbtw: Arch on our allotment
billbtw: View over to Daphne's and Matthew's
billbtw: Rose's
billbtw: Fred's greenhouse
billbtw: Fred's allotment
billbtw: Greg and Ada's bath
billbtw: Our shed
billbtw: Daphne's
billbtw: Rose's
billbtw: Julien's
billbtw: Kay's
billbtw: Mike's
billbtw: Neal's
billbtw: Laurence's
billbtw: The allotments AGM
billbtw: A strawberry second
billbtw: Looking over to Helen and Ivan's plot
billbtw: Water conservation
billbtw: Oystermouth Castle
billbtw: Caradog's shed
billbtw: Down on the allotment
billbtw: Vegetables on the allotment
billbtw: The Kelly Kettle
billbtw: Stuff on the table on the allotment