billbrads: IMG_2995
billbrads: IMG_0309
billbrads: Moonset
billbrads: 07_04-29_29hrMoon
billbrads: Earthshine Crescent Moon
billbrads: 04_04-03-22_Earthshine
billbrads: Moon & Mercury Conjunction
billbrads: 24 hour Young Moon
billbrads: 15_05-09-05
billbrads: Moon & Mercury Conjunction
billbrads: Trio of the brightest objects in the Night Sky
billbrads: 16_05-09-06_Robert Moses
billbrads: 23_07_05_19_Moon_Venus
billbrads: Crescent Moon
billbrads: Crescent Moon/Tower
billbrads: 1.3 day crescent moon
billbrads: 1.3 day crescent moon
billbrads: Moonset_2017-06-25
billbrads: Moon in Hyades, Venus and Pleiades