billbooz: 252/365 - 10/24/10 My Drive to Charlottesville
billbooz: 261/365 - 11/6/10 A Day at the Races
billbooz: 265/365 - 11/14/10 More: My Ride From Lynchburg
billbooz: 267/365 - 11/17/10 The Ole Shed
billbooz: 259/365 - 11/2/10 A Tree Through the Window
billbooz: 251/365 - 10/23/10 Corks in the Light
billbooz: 243/365 - 9/17/10 Jeronimnos Monastery, Lisbon, PT
billbooz: 244/265 - 9/18/10 Touring Lisbon
billbooz: 226/365 - 8/27/10 Garlic in the Kitchen
billbooz: 240/365 - 9/12/10 Beautiuful Village of Marvao, Portugal
billbooz: 219/365 - 8/20/10 Lynchburg: In the Backyard
billbooz: 218/365 - 8/19/10 Rosemary & Zinnias
billbooz: 211/365 - 8/12/10 Cvlle Dining Room #1
billbooz: 215/365 - 8/16/10 Lynchburg Dining Room #3
billbooz: 212/365 - 8/13/10 Lynchburg Dining Room 31
billbooz: Giverny2010_3
billbooz: Giverny2010_2
billbooz: 199/365 - 7/18/10 Nellie
billbooz: 201/365 - 8/1/10 Old Benches
billbooz: 204/365 - 8/4/10 Cvlle Kitchen #2
billbooz: 163/365 - 5/27/10 Roses are red and so are geraniums
billbooz: 180/365 - 6/20/10 Bottles Reflected in Mirror
billbooz: 194/365 - 7/11/10 Ozzie at the Garden Exhibition
billbooz: 197/365 - 7/16/10 Cathedral in Bayeux, France
billbooz: 156/365 - 5/14/10 Books at an Angle
billbooz: 154/365 - 5/12/10 Rain on the Blossoms
billbooz: 150/365 - 5/1/10 Some Shots from Home
billbooz: 142/365 - 3/27/10 Simple Handlebars Become 'Art Work'
billbooz: 150/365 - 5/1/10 Some Shots from Home
billbooz: 115/365 - 2/7/10 Old Barn with Snow