Bill Sundstrom: IMG_1948: Front of Cathedral for Mexico City
Bill Sundstrom: IMG_1949
Bill Sundstrom: IMG_1950: Bill in the First Mexico City Cantina
Bill Sundstrom: IMG_1951: First Mexico City Cantina
Bill Sundstrom: IMG_1954: Mexico City Post Office
Bill Sundstrom: IMG_1955
Bill Sundstrom: IMG_1956: The First Sanborns
Bill Sundstrom: IMG_1957: The First Sanborns
Bill Sundstrom: IMG_1958: Street Theater on a Sunday
Bill Sundstrom: IMG_1959: Street Theater on a Sunday
Bill Sundstrom: IMG_1960
Bill Sundstrom: IMG_1961: Street Theater on a Sunday
Bill Sundstrom: IMG_1962
Bill Sundstrom: IMG_1963
Bill Sundstrom: IMG_1964