Bill Sundstrom:
DSCN1224: Dixieland band in Recoleta
Bill Sundstrom:
IMG_2271: River Plate Soccer Game
Bill Sundstrom:
IMG_2273: River Plate Soccer Game
Bill Sundstrom:
IMG_2275: River Plate Soccer Game
Bill Sundstrom:
IMG_2277: River Plate Soccer Game
Bill Sundstrom:
IMG_2278: Steve, Betty, John and Matt
Bill Sundstrom:
IMG_2280: Bill with Mdrula and Chandra Patel
Bill Sundstrom:
IMG_2282: Boca Art Vendor
Bill Sundstrom:
DSCN1228: Tango Dancers in Boca
Bill Sundstrom:
DSCN1229: Tango Dancers in Boca
Bill Sundstrom:
JCIMG_1739: Miguel's Wife, Maria and Marisol
Bill Sundstrom:
JCIMG_1740: Miguel, his Wife and Maria
Bill Sundstrom:
JCIMG_1741: Matt on Point with Migel
Bill Sundstrom:
JCIMG_1742: Bill with the Finns
Bill Sundstrom:
JCIMG_1743: Steve at the Grill
Bill Sundstrom:
JCIMG_1744: Migel and his Wife Maria and Marisol
Bill Sundstrom:
JCIMG_1745: Miguel's Wife, Maria, Marisol and Gille
Bill Sundstrom:
JCIMG_1749: Carla and Bill
Bill Sundstrom:
JCIMG_1750: Javier, Betty and Maria
Bill Sundstrom:
JCIMG_1751: Santeri and Päivi
Bill Sundstrom:
JCIMG_1752: Chillin' by the Grill
Bill Sundstrom:
JCIMG_1754: Marisol, Chis and Maria
Bill Sundstrom:
JCIMG_1755: Marisol, John and Maria
Bill Sundstrom:
JCIMG_1759: Marisol, Chris, Maria and Bill
Bill Sundstrom:
JCIMG_1760: Steve
Bill Sundstrom:
JCIMG_1761: Guille and Javier
Bill Sundstrom:
JCIMG_1762: The Lovely Claudia
Bill Sundstrom:
JCIMG_1764: Bill, Maria, Marisol and Chris
Bill Sundstrom:
JCIMG_1765: John and Steve
Bill Sundstrom:
DSCN1232: The Water Company Palace