Bill Sundstrom:
01 Edit Bergman in Lulea
Bill Sundstrom:
02 Edit Johansson
Bill Sundstrom:
03 Osten and Edit Bergman
Bill Sundstrom:
04 Edit, Johan, Renio, Osten and unknowns about 1935
Bill Sundstrom:
05 Edith, Osten and John Bergman about 1937
Bill Sundstrom:
06 Osten Bergman about 1936
Bill Sundstrom:
07 Grandma Johansson with the Bergmans
Bill Sundstrom:
08 Osten and Reneo
Bill Sundstrom:
09 Renio
Bill Sundstrom:
10 Renio and Edit
Bill Sundstrom:
11 Renio
Bill Sundstrom:
15 Osten Bergman
Bill Sundstrom:
16 Osten Bergman in 1948
Bill Sundstrom:
17 Osten Bergman in 1948
Bill Sundstrom:
18 House built by Osten in 1948
Bill Sundstrom:
19 Osten and friend Tare
Bill Sundstrom:
20 Wedding of Irine and Osten
Bill Sundstrom:
21 Ostens Boy Lars in 1952
Bill Sundstrom:
22 Lars Bergman in 1953
Bill Sundstrom:
24 Jan Erik in Norway
Bill Sundstrom:
25 Jan Erik, Lars, Lenart and Irene in Norway