Bill Lindsay: Harvard II and CF-18 Heritage flight
Bill Lindsay: CF-18 Topside
Bill Lindsay: CF-18 jet wash and vapour
Bill Lindsay: CF-18 high alpha pass
Bill Lindsay: CF-18 pulling some Gs
Bill Lindsay: CT-156 Harvard II
Bill Lindsay: Jet Aircraft Museum's Jet Provost
Bill Lindsay: Aero L-39 Albatross
Bill Lindsay: Skyhawks
Bill Lindsay: F-16 Stingers 180FW
Bill Lindsay: CF-18 on takeoff
Bill Lindsay: Bae T-45C Goshawk
Bill Lindsay: Bae T-45C Goshawk
Bill Lindsay: Canadair CT-133 Silver Star painted as F-80 Shooting Star
Bill Lindsay: Canadair CT-133 Silver Star painted as F-80 Shooting Star
Bill Lindsay: P-51 Mustang
Bill Lindsay: Snowbirds opposing pass
Bill Lindsay: USAF Heritage Flight
Bill Lindsay: USAF Heritage Flight topside
Bill Lindsay: F-22A Raptor
Bill Lindsay: F-22A Raptor
Bill Lindsay: F-22A Raptor bay doors open
Bill Lindsay: Snowbirds echelon pass
Bill Lindsay: Snowbirds opposing solos pass
Bill Lindsay: Snowbirds Battle of Britain display
Bill Lindsay: CC-150 Polaris with CF-18 Fighter escort
Bill Lindsay: RCAF CC-150 Polaris with CF-18 fighter escort