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Reptiles and Amphibians by Bill Kauf
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Bill Kauf
Eastern Collared Lizard female036b
Bill Kauf
Eastern Collared Lizard male003_3b
Bill Kauf
Sonoran Spotted Whiptail_b
Bill Kauf
Side-Bloched Lizard_b
Bill Kauf
Ornate Tree Lizard pushup_b
Bill Kauf
Eastern Collared Lizard with Canon point and shoot012b
Bill Kauf
Eastern Collared Lizard with Canon point and shoot008b
Bill Kauf
Greater Earless Lizard male with orange chest003_b
Bill Kauf
Black-Tailed Rattlesnake004b
Bill Kauf
Black-Tailed Rattlesnake002b
Bill Kauf
Black-Tailed Rattlesnake005b
Bill Kauf
Black-Tailed Rattlesnake005b
Bill Kauf
Giant Spotted Whiptail near Rattlesnake picnic area
Bill Kauf
Red Spotted Toad baby003b
Bill Kauf
Pond Slider (non-native) Turtle_b
Bill Kauf
Giant Spotted Whiptail
Bill Kauf
Eastern Collared Lizard
Bill Kauf
Gila Monster
Bill Kauf
Gila Monster
Bill Kauf
Short-horned Lizard baby
Bill Kauf
Great Basin Collared Lizards
Bill Kauf
Greater Earless Lizard
Bill Kauf
Greater Earless male
Bill Kauf
Gopher Snake on Via Soledad
Bill Kauf
Eastern Collared Lizard female
Bill Kauf
Tiger Rattlesnake
Bill Kauf
Tiger Rattlesnake
Bill Kauf
Black-necked Gartersnake
Bill Kauf
Gila Monster
Bill Kauf
Black-necked Gartersnake
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