Bill Grabin:
Caribbean reef squid approaches us at night - It was attracted to our light, unafraid and curious, actually touching us! - an absolutely otherworldly experience
Bill Grabin:
Bill Grabin:
spotted eagle ray
Bill Grabin:
Monica, going down
Bill Grabin:
Blue Giant Clam at The Islands off Dahab
Bill Grabin:
Descent at Blue Hole
Bill Grabin:
Gorgeous Scorpionfish at the Liberty wreck, Tulamben
Bill Grabin:
Blue Ribbon Eel at Coral Garden near Tulamben
Bill Grabin:
Clown Triggerfish and Emperor Angelfish
Bill Grabin:
Orangutan crab
Bill Grabin:
Feather Duster Worm
Bill Grabin:
Pontohi Pygmy Seahorse
Bill Grabin:
Discovered in 2008 on Bunaken
Bill Grabin:
Pygmy Seahorse
Bill Grabin:
Pygmy Seahorse
Bill Grabin:
Boxer crab at Tanjung Kopi
Bill Grabin:
Ornate Ghost Pipefish
Bill Grabin:
Flying Gurnard
Bill Grabin:
Black saddled Toby at Nudi Falls
Bill Grabin:
Emperor Snappers in Radiating Hatpin Urchin at Teluk Kembahu III
Bill Grabin:
Spiny Devilfish at Teluk Kembahu III
Bill Grabin:
Mandarinfish (Ken Yang photo)
Bill Grabin:
Banggai Cardinalfish at Pantai Parigi
Bill Grabin:
Reticulated Puffer being cleaned
Bill Grabin:
Peppermint Sea Star
Bill Grabin:
Nembrotha sp 2 Nudibranch
Bill Grabin:
spotted moray eel