Bill Grabin:
Snowflake Moray Eel
Bill Grabin:
beautiful Red Anemone
Bill Grabin:
Painted Frogfish - Black Phase
Bill Grabin:
Black phase Painted Frogfish with puffer
Bill Grabin:
Painted Frogfish - Red phase
Bill Grabin:
Bill Grabin:
Emperor Shrimp on a Sea Cucumber
Bill Grabin:
White Ribbon Eel
Bill Grabin:
Bill Grabin:
Flamboyant Cuttlefish
Bill Grabin:
Moon Headed Sidegill Slug
Bill Grabin:
Reticulated Puffer being cleaned
Bill Grabin:
Starry Night Octopus
Bill Grabin:
Honeycomb Sea Star
Bill Grabin:
Seahorse with Social Tunicates
Bill Grabin:
Orangutan Crab
Bill Grabin:
Seahorse out for a stroll
Bill Grabin:
Longhorn Cowfish
Bill Grabin:
Slender Sapsucking Slug (tentative ID)
Bill Grabin:
Slender Sapsucking Slug (tentative ID)
Bill Grabin:
Anemone Hermit Crab
Bill Grabin:
juvenile Batavia Spadefish
Bill Grabin:
Umbrella Shell
Bill Grabin:
Umbrella Shell
Bill Grabin:
Pygmy Seahorse
Bill Grabin:
Pygmy Seahorse
Bill Grabin:
Peppermint Sea Star
Bill Grabin:
Ribbon Eel
Bill Grabin:
Ribbon Eel
Bill Grabin:
Netted Ceratosoma