Bill A: Street Performer Struggling to Get Out of a Straightjacket
Bill A: "You trust your unconscious as if it were a loving father...."
Bill A: Those two fellows were brothers from Chechnya
Bill A: A Wrapped Soul in Prison
Bill A: My New Look
Bill A: Sailors Preparing to Set Sail....
Bill A: Do you think he is channeling Lady Gaga?
Bill A: Mirror Mirror in My Hand / Who is the Loveliest in the Land?
Bill A: "Enbrel Man Vs Psoriasis Man"
Bill A: Selfportrait (in shadow near a window)
Bill A: Selfportrait: "Behind a Sun Mask"
Bill A: Self Portrait "Confined within too narrow a spiritual horizon"
Bill A: Taking "Tyler" for a Walk (a Dream or a "Fish Story")...
Bill A: Parrot on the Sidewalk
Bill A: Self Portrait with "Woman on a Pedestal"
Bill A: "Pain begins a journey into my mind, leaving me breathless and hollow inside..."
Bill A: Johanna In Front of a Fountain