Bill A: "Marathon Man"
Bill A: Portraits from the Democratic Convention 1
Bill A: A Square Joe Biden?
Bill A: Lamborghini Auto 1
Bill A: Car and Driver
Bill A: "You are what you drive?"
Bill A: Intriguing Juxtaposition
Bill A: Finished Mural
Bill A: DSCN1700
Bill A: Occupy Baltimore Demonstrators
Bill A: Listening to a Speaker at the "Occupy Baltimore" May Day Activities
Bill A: A Not So Pleasant Easter Sunday Afternoon for this Young Man
Bill A: Welcoming her soldier back from Afghanistan
Bill A: Welcoming soldiers back from Afghanistan
Bill A: Installing the signs welcoming the troops returning from Afghanistan
Bill A: Singing of the National Anthem before the start of the airshow at Ft McHenry in Baltimore
Bill A: Sailors and the Flag at Fort McHenry
Bill A: Depiction of Edgar Allen Poe as an Astronaut
Bill A: Nik Wallenda walking a tightrope over Baltimore's Inner Harbor
Bill A: Close ups of three fashion models
Bill A: Couple posing for wedding photographs...
Bill A: Portrait of a young woman in a straw hat