bill19541: white-tipped dove
bill19541: white-tailed trogon
bill19541: Condica sp.
bill19541: white-headed marsh tyrant
bill19541: white-fringed moth with orange reniform spots
bill19541: white-eared puffbird
bill19541: white-collared foliage-gleaner
bill19541: white-bearded manakin
bill19541: white-barred piculet
bill19541: white peacock
bill19541: white noctuid with broad dark band along inner margins
bill19541: Prominent
bill19541: whistling heron
bill19541: waterfall at Chapada dos Guimaraes
bill19541: violet-capped woodnymph
bill19541: violet hairstreak
bill19541: violaceous owl-eyed butterfly
bill19541: versi-colored emerald
bill19541: variegated antpitta
bill19541: vampire bats
bill19541: unidentified skimmer
bill19541: Ubatuba graffitti
bill19541: tussock moth with large apical patches
bill19541: tropical pewee
bill19541: Tropic of Capricorn
bill19541: toco toucan
bill19541: tawny-browed owl
bill19541: sunbittern
bill19541: Selenia sp.
bill19541: straight-billed woodcreeper