bill19541: Muskingum county courthouse
bill19541: Akron, Ohio Art Deco tower
bill19541: Marion, Ohio mural
bill19541: ornate commercial building
bill19541: preening palm warbler
bill19541: Cape May warbler
bill19541: black throated blue warbler
bill19541: yellow rumped warbler
bill19541: heron in treetop
bill19541: goose and heron on bulkhead
bill19541: barn swallow on wood rail
bill19541: immature summer tanager
bill19541: victorian with knobby porch posts
bill19541: row of italianate house fronts
bill19541: Mail Pouch tobacco plaque
bill19541: mail pouch factory
bill19541: mpb painted 2 sides
bill19541: mpb with side porch
bill19541: mps slovak home
bill19541: mpb rte 800
bill19541: mpb on Lemon Rd
bill19541: mpb carroll co
bill19541: mpb with short wharf
bill19541: mpb stark co -04
bill19541: grey mpb with white letters
bill19541: small mpb faded white on red
bill19541: mps Mt . Vernon
bill19541: akron art museum looking north
bill19541: Akron art museum looking west
bill19541: art museum looking up